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South Lakes 100 miles

The route has been chosen with the aim of making it rideable for the majority of people. It passes loads of cafes and pubs so replenishment should not be an issue until up to 9pm

There will be a bit of road which is unavoidable so take care and lights are a must in the evenings. There are no rules unlike the Lakeland 200 but sleeping out is a must unless you are crazy enough to do it in one!

Group Start will be at 9.30am outside Wheelbase Cycles The route has come out at 103 so bear that in mind on your way back.




Route marking planning available in Wheelbase



Group Start will be at 6.00am outside Wheelbase Cycles on Saturday morning


The Lakeland 200 is a self-supported mountain bike time-trail route traversing 200km of the Lake District National Park. The route starts in Stavely, and is ridden in a clockwise direction. The route offers approximately 6,400 m of ascent and some quality hike-a-bike on all the Lakeland Classics.

There is no entry fee, no support, and no prizes. It is a self-timed Individual Time Trial (ITT) that can be challenged at any time. All that is provided is the inspiration, the gpx file and a list of completion times.

Download zipped gpx file

Download gpx file

Contact - Alan Goldsmith



  1. Complete the entire route, under your own power - no drafting 

  2. Be completely self-supported throughout the ride - absolutely no support crews, absolutely no gear sharing 

  3. Only use commercial services that are available to all challengers - no private resupply, no private lodging 

  4. If you have to leave the route, you must rejoin it at the exactly same spot 

  5. No caches of any kind 

  6. No third-party sag-wagon offering an easy bail-out option 

  7. No pre-arranged support, which means before you begin your ride - e.g. booking a B&B

  8. No travel by any motorized means during your ride - by all means do so if necessary, but understand if you do your attempt is over 

  9. Gear - nothing required, nothing prohibited

Lakeland 200 

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